Friday, December 18, 2009

Home Sweet USA!

So I've come to conclude that my life here in the States just isn't as funny as it is in Costa Rica... I actually know how to do things here, and I'm rarely confused throughout the day. It's great really. Everything about being home in the last week has been so so wonderful, well, except for that time I got pulled over.

Welcome back to America Lis.

Here's the sitch.
A couple nights ago I met up with two of my favorite people, Sami and Cori. Later that night when I was leaving the brewery I pull up to a red light. I was turning right, and mind you there were absolutely no cars in sight. None. Zero. Nada. Zip. I stop at the light and then turn. There was a cop up ahead that I saw after I turned. Totally saw him and totally had this thought run through my head..."I wasn't speeding, and I don't have any headlight/break lights out... he's not gonna pull me over." Wrong-O. Homeslice, was hanging out in the median, and as I pass by he flips a U, and there go his lights. Son of a B!

I roll my window down and he goes "Mam (which is kinda annoying that he called me mam because he was maybe 3 years older then me), I pulled you over because when you turned at the light back there, you pulled into the farthest lane of traffic. Is there a reason why you did that?" I wanted to cuss-are you freaking kidding me? Is there a reason why I did that? Ummm yeah. There were absolutely NO cars in sight and the "farthest" lane that I turned into was the second lane over. Come on dude, who doesn't do that? I was just annoyed at this point that this was really going on right now?

Oh wait, it gets better. He asks for my license and registration and mind you I haven't driven this car, or at all for that matter in 4 months. I was rummaging through every paper in my glove box, which there happened to be an excessive amount of expired registrations, but no current registration. How freaking convenient. He tells me to keep looking, takes my license and says he's going to "get started." Crap, get started-that totally means I'm getting a ticket. Oh and...I don't have current insurance on me either and my license plate tags are expired too. Awesome. At this point I don't have a whole lot going for me...other than some charisma.

I've never pulled the whole crying thing to get out of a ticket before, but I was so flustered and kept thinking I was gonna get slammed with a $300 ticket, and next thing you know tears are coming down. Five minutes later the cop comes back to my car and says "Mam, do you know there's a warrant out for your arrest?" I instantaneously reply "A WARRANT???" He then says, "Oh, I guess that isn't a funny joke!" Oh. My. Goodness. I almost punched him in the face. No dude, that joke isn't funny. Nice try though. After he made that joke I thought immediately to myself, wait a second, since Mr. funny guy is crackin' jokes does that mean I'm not gonna get a ticket? I was so right...thank you Jesus! He told me that there's no reason he should be letting me go free with out a ticket, and that he could literally impound my car and take me to jail due to the fact I was missing current registration, license plate tags, and insurance. Ooops...yeah, my bad. But he let me go... with out a ticket, and he just told me to take care of it ASAP.

I drove home listening to Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA" on repeat. It's good to be home!

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