Monday, May 17, 2010

My host dogs are idiots

So. The other night some of us went dancing. Oh the love for Salsa in this country. Anyways, earlier in the day I received my rent money to give to my host momma, and since she wasn't home, and I wasn't going to get home till early in the AM, I wanted to leave her the cash money. Ive left her notes and such things before on the corner of her bed, and it's the perfect place because I know she will see it, and its never been a problem before. So, I left the rent money in an envelope for Luchi on the bed, thinking this was a grand idea. Well...Pecas (Freckles, the Dalmatian) is a iddddddiot and eats anything and everything....including the $300 cash and the envelope for my May rent. Yes, the dog ate my rent money. FOR REAL. WHAT A DUMMY! Sounds like the classic "My dog ate my homework" excuse, but this really happened. I'm never petting Pecas again...or giving him any of my leftover breakfast that I cant eat. And now I am in the process of figuring this mess out and seeing what this means for my host family. DUMB IDIOT DOG!

And then there is Bruce...Bruce Willis. He's just a big large huge dumb dog. And that is coming from a dog lover. But he however, is just gross. Cute, but gross. Yesterday however when I was eating breakfast, he managed to impress me...which doesn't happen too often. He was standing next to me, begging for food (yeah, I feed my host dogs the food I can't eat, woops) and then out of no where he jumped up and ate a fly mid air! It.Was.Awesome. But none the less he's dumb, cause he ate a fly. IDIOT!

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