Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear Influenza,

Suck it. Whatever is going around, its official, I caught it. Last night I was babysitting for the cutest little Costa Rican baby, and then BAM, out of now where I´m throwing up my brains. Ughh. People, I set a new record. Between last night and today I threw up a total of 16 times. There has been a bug going around, and a lot of people at the YL office have had it. When I came out of my deep hibernation today, since I got zero sleep last night, Luchi came into my room with yet another beverage! It wasn´t a margarita this was tea. When Luchi was handing me the mug that said ¨Sisters by birth, friends by choice¨ she told me that this tea is magic. I'm truly convinced that it was a hot toddy though! Whatever the magic potion, I am feeling much better. So, as Luchi, Lisa, and I were at the kitchen table drinking our ¨tea¨ my host sister Lisa asked me if I got a hair cut while I was home. I said yes, and then Luchi said ¨Que Bonita¨ which is hilarious, because I looked like absolute death today and nothing was beautiful....especially my hair. It was dis-gusting. Seriously Luchi, get sweeter, oh wait, it´s not possible! I´m so thankful that that she loves me so well. She is such a servant, and can make all sorts of mean beverages!

Friday, January 22, 2010

And I was all whhhhhat!

SO. There is a train that runs pretty much in my backyard, which has a tendency to shake the house. This morning I was laying in bed, but still kinda asleep, and then all of a sudden everything started shaking. Naturally, I thought it was the Polar Express about to bust threw my window, but NO NO. I get a text message a minute later from Kate that was all...¨I think I just felt an Earthquake.¨ And, I was all...¨Whhhhhat¨ Then, over some french toast this morning with Luchi, she asked me ¨Did you feel?¨ and then she started skaking the table.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Costa Rica, I am drinking you in, and you are smooth.

Yes, I am back. Round 2! It´s really good to be back. When Kate and I got to the ticket counter at the Denver Airport, we experienced some ridiculous stuff due to visa problems, so we hand to finagle some things around, but luckily we didn't miss our flight! And in the midst of all the stuff going on at the ticket counter Kate goes ¨ So here's the real question. Are you going to let the 8 extra pounds in our bags slide? I mean, I knew they were strict about the 50 pound bag limit, but dang. Clearly, the guy working the Frontier counter did not think it was as funny as I did. The timing was perfect...or in his case, not so all!

We took off at midnight thirty, flew direct, and arrived in San Jose at around 6:45 am. If you didn't already know this about me, here you go...I absolutely hate flying. Hate it, Hate it, Hate it. But the flight was sweet. It wasn't bumpy, and for some reason we flew pretty low. Maybe since it was so late and dark? I actually just made that up, I have no idea, but flying low made me feel more comfortable, because if our plain did happen to fall out of the sky, we wouldn't fall as far. Yes, those are the thoughts that go through my head, and hence why I hate flying. I remember waking up at one point and looking out the window and seeing nothing but stars! It. was. INSANE. I have never seen so many stars in my life. All 22 years of it. For real, it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. And then...I woke up again, and got to see the sun rise over Belize...which was insane as well! Yes please, don't mind if i do. By far the prettiest flight I have ever had!

I got home yesterday around 9 am, and slept for a solid 7 hours. When I woke up, I started unpacking, and Luchi, my host mom, came into my room and gave me a margarita and some know, for an unpacking snack! Man, I love that woman!

In other news, there is now a train that runs behind my house. Literally right behind my house. Last night at dinner my whole family was talking about how awful the train is. They said it comes by at 7:30 am, and it is wayyyy worse then the egg man. You know, the egg man. They guy who sells eggs at the butt crack of dawn while yelling ¨Huevos, Huevos, blah blah blah, Huevos!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨ I literally thought to myself ¨What could be worse then the egg man?¨ and then at 7:30 this morning I learned what was worse...the train. I felt like the freaking Polar Express was coming straight threw my window, and call me crazy but I'm pretty sure the whole house rattled.

Alright, that's all for now from the Rica. Young Life stuff doesn't start for a couple weeks, but kids go back to school at Lincoln on Monday, and we have a leader retreat next weekend.

Much love, and ¡Pura Vida!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I am so ridiculously blessed by my friends. Thanks girls for a great night, and for making me feel so celebrated and loved.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Everything is going to be in Spanish next week. Yikes!

So (it's my new years resolution to start every blog post off with SO. Well, not really but if that was true things would be looking really good at this point!) I'm heading back to Costa Rica in 6 days. Holy woahhh! 6 days! How the crap did these last 4 weeks in los Estados Unidos de América go by so fast? Like really really fast. My time at home has been so rich...richer than I could ever describe. I have spent almost all my time surrounded by family and friends, knowing that I will have plenty of time to be alone (and watch tv) when I return to CR. My life here seems to be so normal. And by normal I mean I can actually order food here with out having a mild panic attack. And...I'm not confused 94% of the time. Yeah, my life in the US just isn't as funny...well, there was that one time on New Years Eve when a teacher from my high school was at the same party...yeah, that was funny.

I'm very much anticipating my return to CR though. Home is definitely comfortable, where as Costa Rica is still, even though I've been there for 5 months, on the opposite side of the comfortable spectrum. I now fully understand the meaning of a foreign country. I am super excited for everything coming up this Spring...or I guess it's considered Summer in Costa Rica now. Huh, that could get confusing. Anyways, I am way hopeful and expectant in the ways the Lord is moving in kids lives at Lincoln and CDS through Young Life and Wyld Life. And shout out to Dani and Gloriana...I can't wait to see you girls! :) There is so much going on in the next 5 months and sometimes it makes me sad to think that June will be here before I know it. My friend Susan is coming out to visit me in March. Sus is fluent in Spanish. Fluent as in she spoke Spanish before she spoke English, and I'm going to make her to order all my food for me when she comes to visit! And....we have Wyld Life camp in April, which on a scale of 1 to Awesome, is going to be Sooo AWESOME!!! And....I'm flying back to Kansas City for a week because my BEST FRIEND is getting married!

Well, there you have it...all my thoughts on leaving home and going back to the Rica. I still have 6 days left here though, which means I still have time to drink in lots and lots of English.

Adios for now mi amigos!