Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear Influenza,

Suck it. Whatever is going around, its official, I caught it. Last night I was babysitting for the cutest little Costa Rican baby, and then BAM, out of now where I´m throwing up my brains. Ughh. People, I set a new record. Between last night and today I threw up a total of 16 times. There has been a bug going around, and a lot of people at the YL office have had it. When I came out of my deep hibernation today, since I got zero sleep last night, Luchi came into my room with yet another beverage! It wasn´t a margarita this was tea. When Luchi was handing me the mug that said ¨Sisters by birth, friends by choice¨ she told me that this tea is magic. I'm truly convinced that it was a hot toddy though! Whatever the magic potion, I am feeling much better. So, as Luchi, Lisa, and I were at the kitchen table drinking our ¨tea¨ my host sister Lisa asked me if I got a hair cut while I was home. I said yes, and then Luchi said ¨Que Bonita¨ which is hilarious, because I looked like absolute death today and nothing was beautiful....especially my hair. It was dis-gusting. Seriously Luchi, get sweeter, oh wait, it´s not possible! I´m so thankful that that she loves me so well. She is such a servant, and can make all sorts of mean beverages!


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  3. Lis, that's amazing! Hot toddies got us through 6 hours of I70 traffic, and now cured your heinous illness! Think I'll go have one right now...maybe its magic will give me one more day of weekend?? love you so much!!

  4. wait. you girls were drinking hot toddies in the car while coming down the mountain?
