Thursday, October 8, 2009

Breakfast of Champions...not!

Lately Luchy, my host mom, has been gone in the mornings when I wake up, but she is so sweet and always has breakfast waiting on the table for me. Here's what I had for breakfast this morning.
-The standard coffee and fruit (so delicious!)
-A croissant sandwich
Yes, I had cake for breakfast!!! I literally giggled out loud to myself when I saw it sitting on the table. It wasn't coffee cake or any sort of breakfast pastry. No no, it was cake with frosting and sprinkles! I think my host mom is catching onto the fact that I have a sweet tooth :)

Also, I have a confession to make. Sometimes in the morning when I'm eating breakfast by myself and I can't finish everything I give the rest of my food to the dogs. Costa Ricans always eat everything off of their plate because they don't like to waste food. If something is on a plate and has been served, they don't save it because it is considered "dirty." And I don't want to throw the food that I can't eat away in the trash because then my host mom will see it. And the kitchen sink...well...nothing really can go down it. So...when I can't eat everything I toss my extra food to the dogs. Today, I gave them each about 6 banana slices.Ruz (Bruce) and Freckles (Pecas)-they love me! Ok, I just really needed to get that off my chest!

And on a little more personal note... yesterday I realized I had 10 bug bites on my left butt cheek. 10! That is a lot of freaking bug bites. Ohhhhh Costa Rica!

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