Tuesday, October 27, 2009

culture shock?

It's Saturday and today is Halloween. Todo es bueno! This week was hard and long. I substitute taught for elementary P.E. at Lincoln for 4 days, and holy smokes...I'm spent, and SO glad it's over. Pre-K students who don't speak English are e.x.h.a.u.s.t.i.n.g. And I've decided that I don't like subbing.-it's not my gig. Yes, this may sound weird since I majored in Physical Education, but I want my own class where I actually get to teach, and not have kids screaming in Spanish the whole time. No gracias.

I think this week was the first time I really started to experience feelings of "homesickness." They (I'm not sure who they are exactly...scholars I take it) say that there are distinct phases of "Culture Shock." The first phase is the Honeymoon Phase. Everything is great. Everything is fun, new, exciting, and different. Stuff might be hard, but it's still cool, but then the next phase things change, and this is where I've found myself this last week...the Negotiation Phase. The newness fades off and new emotions appear. Annoyed. Frustrated. Missing the convienience of home. To be honest earlier this week home sounded so so good. I'm not surprised I'm experiencing these feelings...I knew they would come eventually. I mean really, if "they" (the scholars) think that it's normal, well then, I'm right on track! And really, the emotions I'm experiencing are pretty minor. By no means do I really want to go home right now. I love what I'm doing here, and totally feel that the Lord has chosen me for this. I just need to continue adjusting my expectations...and probably my attidtude :) Life here isn't as convienient as it is back home. Get over it Lisa.

Highlights of the week:

-Young Life Club! It was Halloween themed which is always fun, and it was our biggest YL club of the year! Oh and before club started Jessie and I were welcoming cars when kids were arriving, and I was dressed in a full blown Santa Clause costume. There were these two little kids, a boy and a girl, who kept peeking out of their house to see Santa! They eventually came all the way out of their house, with their puppy, and started waving at me! I walked up to them and said "¡Hola!" like any good Santa Clause would do. And I freaking kid you not this is what they responded with- "¿Es usted de los Estados Unidos?" (Are you are from the United States?) Remind you, I was in a full blown Santa costume, and all I said was hi, and from that they could tell I was from the United States. Are you kidding me??? I guess there is no hidding the fact that I am a Gringa.

-Thursday night a group of us went to go see the Michael Jackson movie. It made me want to dance!

-When the school bell rang yesterday and I was done subbing!


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