Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We had Wyldlife camp last weekend and IT.WAS.AWESOME! Straight up! Here are some pics.

Bumper Donuts!!!!
High Ropes!

Ropes Swing at the lake!

Reto Selva...aka..mud opstical course...aka...the nasties/greatest thing EVER!

The whole gang!

Friday, April 23, 2010

What I really meant was...

So. I was very optimistic with the whole ¨A Picture a Day¨ thing, but now I´m starting to be realistic, and it´s going to be more like ¨A Picture (almost) a Day.¨ I kinda forgot that I don´t have internet access every day-minor detail in this whole thing. But I am for sure going to post as often as I can. And just a heads up (Susan Doyle) I´m going to be at Wyld Life camp this weekend so pictures probs wont be posted until Monday...or Tuesday.

¡Pura Vida home slices!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

¡Que Rico!

This right here could quite possibly be the most delicious one two punch! It´s the chocobanano muffin and imuno-loco smoothie from my favorite restaurant-La Oliva Verde. It´s a mediterranean place that is so freaking bomb! Ok, so the chocobanano muffin kinda explains itself, but let me tell you what´s packed into the imuno-loco smoothie. You got passion fruit, pinapple, strawberries, bananas and orange juice all blended up into perfection. For real, I´m obsessed, and I have one at least 2 times a week. At least.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fútbol y Basket

Saturday was a freaking blast, but my body currently hates me-I'm sore as whoa. In the morning we had a Vida Joven soccer tournament. I played with the Capernaum leaders, and we played a total of 4 thirty minute games. We won a couple, lost a couple, but the ultimate compliment of the day was when all the people on the sidelines from the other team were yelling "marca de la gringa." (mark the gringa) That's me! Have I mentioned yet that it was so much fun?
Then after our games I hopped on a bus and went straight to the Lincoln girls basketball game. It was the final game of a tournament. We ended up getting second place, but they played really well. The team has improved so much this year. Proud of them! Here are some pics from the sports day.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My fav Costa Rican couple

Yesterday I got to hang out with my favorite Costa Rican married couple. Yes, I took a vote (in my head) and Stefán and Ale totally won! We went and had Dim Sum. Dim sum is the name for a Chinese cuisine which involves a wide range of light dishes served alongside Chinese tea...or at least that´s the Wikipedia definition for you all! And dang, that crap was goooood! It´s funny because Stefán and Ale always take me to places that involve chopsticks for some reason. I think they just enjoy watching me struggle...a lot. I have some work to do with my chopstick skills.

This picture of the day makes me laugh! I told them I wanted to take a picture of them, since they are my fav Costa Rican couple and all, and this is what I got. Don´t you just love them already?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ohhhhh these!

Ok, so I walk past these manicans on the way home from basketball practice, and I literally laugh out loud every time I see them! They are outside this alterations place close to my house, and I'm guessing business is thriving. I mean...how could it not with manicans like these. Check it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A picture a day!

So. I've decided to mix things up a little bit. Ok, so in order to create some frequency in my blog updates I've decided I am going to start posting a picture a day. Now now, I'm no photographer, so these pics aren't going to be life changing or anything, they are just to give you a glimpse or a "picture" (hehe haha) at my life here in San Jose. Plus, I only have 2 months left here so I thought this would be a good way to start some consistency with good ol' fancypantelones. Ya dig?
Ok, so here's what's gonna happen. Each day I will post one picture. They will be pics of people, places, and things. And if I'm feeling real crazy one day, perhaps maybe even a video. Who knows. Don't worry, I will for sure keep posting stories, because let's be honest, I'm sure there will still be a plethora to come, but on top of that, you will get some pics. It's kinda like an Almond Joy. You get the delicious coconut chocolate goodness, and then as a bonus you get the almond. Clearly, it's a win win situation. Alright. Here you go.

This is my favorite coffee shop in San Pedro. In college it felt like I was always at a coffee shop, and recently I´ve missed that time. So, I´ve been coming here more often. Yesterday, I enjoyed a nice coca light (in a bottle!) read for a while, and worked on my young life talk. All was well.

I also have a quick story while I'm at it. Last night we had YL club at a kids rancho. A rancho is pretty much just an outside covered area, which works perfectly for club. Well, this rancho was in a baller neighborhood and it was in the area by the pool, tennis courts, and playground area. There were a handful of people playing in the area, but no one was actually in the rancho except us yl people. John asked me to fill up some water ballons for a game we were going to be doing, so I walked into the men's restroom, because the women's was on the other side. The restroom was just a single toilet and a sink. I left the door open, and didn't think twice about it being weird that I was in the men's room, because no one else was really around in the rancho area. So, I´m filling up these balloons in the sink, and this kid, he was maybe 5, walks into the restroom (mind you the door was wide open) and starts talking to me in Spanish...real fast. Like really really fast, and his voice was kinda squeaky. I didn´t understand him, so I said ¨¿como?¨and he said something else.. in Spanish. I had no idea what the little buddy said, but I heard John laughing in the background, and then the kid just stormed off. I finished filling up the water balloons, and then walked out of the restroom when John goes, ¨do you know what he was saying to you?¨ I had no idea but I figured it was something about the water balloons. John just laughed and repeated what the kid said to me...in English. This is what he said, in his squeaky fast voice. ¨What are you doing in here? This is when I said ¨what?¨ and then he said with annoyance, ¨Whyyyy are you in here?¨ With no reply from me, he stormed off....and peed his pants. FOR REAL! Little buddy PEED his pants...all because I was filling up water balloons in the men's restroom.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh yeah, I have a blog to update!

So. It's been a while since I've updated the old blog-a-roo-ski. There has been so much goodness going on since my last posting. Young Life and Wyld Life stuff is cruisin' right along. It's hard to believe that I only have 2 months left in Costa Rica. The last couple months has been full with Lincoln generation camps! We (John, Kate, Boo, and I) got to go with the Boy With a Ball staff to the 11th, 10th, and 8th grade camps. Lots of relationships are forming with Lincoln kids, so that is a huge praise! We have Wyld Life camp at the end of this month, which is going to be beyond sweet! Ohhhh, and 3 of my friends came to visit which was just absolutely insane in the greatest way possible! I just got back to CR from the States last night. I was there for 2 weeks, one week in Kansas City and one week back home in Denver. My time back in the US was so wonderful! When I got back to my house last night no one was home. I had been home for about 30 minutes, when I heard my host sister, Lisa, unlocking the door(s). She was walking down the hall towards her room, and mine, excited to see her I opened my door and said "hey!" Her arms and legs went flailing, and she screamed SHIT really loud. Yeahhh, that just about made my life! :) Here are some highlights of my time back in los Estados Unidos...
-My Person's (best friend) wedding!! It was absolutely perfect. And...I caught the bouquet, so do what you will with that!-Patty Griffin concert at Liberty Hall. Life changing.-I got to spend my birthday with friends that I adore in Lawrence, Kansas! Bliss.-Went snowboarding with some of my favs!-My friend Krista and I had a combined birthday bash in Denver. Holy crap, it was F.U.N!-I got to be home with my family for Easter! I love them!
-And..I got to see so many of my sweet sweet friends!

Oh, so last night when my host mom got home she was telling me she had just came from una reunión...which leads me to a quick lil' story for you all!

A couple weeks ago at breakfast Luchi asked me if I was going to la reunión that night (vas a la reunión de esta noche?). I didn't know what the word reunión meant, which is funny now because when it's written out it's kinda obvious. But since I didn't know what the word meant I figured I probably wasn't going, so I said "no" and then proceeded to tell her I was going to Young Life club. Later that day while I was at the office, I asked John and Jessie what the word reunión means. They said, "Oh, it means meeting...or in our case, club." I giggled when I realized the convo Luchi and I had earlier that morning at breakfast. Pretty much this is how it went down...
Luchi: "Lisa, are you going to club tonight?"
Me: "No, I'm going to Young Life club tonight!"

BUT...now I know what the word reunión means. So, last night when Luchi told me she had just come from a reunión, I totally knew what she meant! So yes, my Spanish is coming along nicely, thank you for asking!

Postscript: Shout out to Laura Doyle who reminded me that I have a blog to update.
Laura Doyle via facebook wall post: "Lis, you need to update your blog! It hasn't been updated since Feb. 21st and I check it everyday! Get on it."
Thanks Laura!