Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh yeah, I have a blog to update!

So. It's been a while since I've updated the old blog-a-roo-ski. There has been so much goodness going on since my last posting. Young Life and Wyld Life stuff is cruisin' right along. It's hard to believe that I only have 2 months left in Costa Rica. The last couple months has been full with Lincoln generation camps! We (John, Kate, Boo, and I) got to go with the Boy With a Ball staff to the 11th, 10th, and 8th grade camps. Lots of relationships are forming with Lincoln kids, so that is a huge praise! We have Wyld Life camp at the end of this month, which is going to be beyond sweet! Ohhhh, and 3 of my friends came to visit which was just absolutely insane in the greatest way possible! I just got back to CR from the States last night. I was there for 2 weeks, one week in Kansas City and one week back home in Denver. My time back in the US was so wonderful! When I got back to my house last night no one was home. I had been home for about 30 minutes, when I heard my host sister, Lisa, unlocking the door(s). She was walking down the hall towards her room, and mine, excited to see her I opened my door and said "hey!" Her arms and legs went flailing, and she screamed SHIT really loud. Yeahhh, that just about made my life! :) Here are some highlights of my time back in los Estados Unidos...
-My Person's (best friend) wedding!! It was absolutely perfect. And...I caught the bouquet, so do what you will with that!-Patty Griffin concert at Liberty Hall. Life changing.-I got to spend my birthday with friends that I adore in Lawrence, Kansas! Bliss.-Went snowboarding with some of my favs!-My friend Krista and I had a combined birthday bash in Denver. Holy crap, it was F.U.N!-I got to be home with my family for Easter! I love them!
-And..I got to see so many of my sweet sweet friends!

Oh, so last night when my host mom got home she was telling me she had just came from una reunión...which leads me to a quick lil' story for you all!

A couple weeks ago at breakfast Luchi asked me if I was going to la reunión that night (vas a la reunión de esta noche?). I didn't know what the word reunión meant, which is funny now because when it's written out it's kinda obvious. But since I didn't know what the word meant I figured I probably wasn't going, so I said "no" and then proceeded to tell her I was going to Young Life club. Later that day while I was at the office, I asked John and Jessie what the word reunión means. They said, "Oh, it means meeting...or in our case, club." I giggled when I realized the convo Luchi and I had earlier that morning at breakfast. Pretty much this is how it went down...
Luchi: "Lisa, are you going to club tonight?"
Me: "No, I'm going to Young Life club tonight!"

BUT...now I know what the word reunión means. So, last night when Luchi told me she had just come from a reunión, I totally knew what she meant! So yes, my Spanish is coming along nicely, thank you for asking!

Postscript: Shout out to Laura Doyle who reminded me that I have a blog to update.
Laura Doyle via facebook wall post: "Lis, you need to update your blog! It hasn't been updated since Feb. 21st and I check it everyday! Get on it."
Thanks Laura!


  1. happiness all around...now dont make us wait so long for you next post!

  2. person. you're so freaking beautiful.
    i miss you.
    love you.
    working on my "lisa room" (slash music room...it's ok, kyle can share) it should be all ready for you to live in by June! COME ON! :)

  3. just so you know, i check your blog every day too. this is a HAPPY day!!
