Monday, September 21, 2009

Chicken dinner & laughter...and lots of it!

Dinner tonight do I say it...awesome! The food was good like always, because Luchy is a bomb cook, but tonight we all laughed so much! Man, I love that there is no language barrier when it comes to laughter. Both dogs, Pecas (Freckles) and Bruce (Bruce Willas) each sit right next to me, hoping that the new girl will drop a crumb... or a chicken leg. Yes, a chicken's been done before. Those suckers are slippery! Anyways...I love that they sit so close to the table for two reasons. A.) They remind me of my dogs that are such beggers-always begging for "people food" and B.) I love that they sit right next to me because I can pet them when I don't know what to do/say, or whenever I feel awkward. Dinners are typically pretty silent, because there is only so much that we can all say for eachother to understand. This is why I like that the dogs sit close because I can pet them when I don't know say...which is 70% of any meal. Tonight halfway through dinner Lisa looked at Pecas and said "Bad dog Pecas!" Let me give you a little run down on the two dogs real quick. Pecas is the old, sweet, cute dalmation. And then there is Bruce, who is a huge, rambunctions Lab that is always trying to jump on me. Lisa explained how Pecas had eaten a bill a little bit earlier. She ate 10 mil, which is equivelent to a 20 dollar bill. Ok, come on, that's kinda funny. I mean, it's not, but it is. A little bit. The precious old dalmation ate a twenty dollar bill. So we talked about that for a couple minutes until we ran out of things to say. It got quiet, and we continued to eat in silence. THEN, oh man, it was so perfect, Pecas let one rip. I mean, I know dogs fart. And believe me, I've smelt these dogs fart before, but never in my whole entire life have I heard a dog fart like this one. My best friends mom, Nancy (holler atchya' Nacny!), has this Dr. Fart machine that makes the perfect fart noises. And it was like Nancy was in the room, and on cue pushed the fart button, and out came a squeeky little perfectly juicy fart...from Pecas...the dog! :) We all lost it. Laughed so hard. I speak English, and they speak Spanish, but when a dog farts like that it's something we all understand. And clearly we understood that it was freaking hilarious!

One last quick story. I've been sick for almost 3 weeks now. Yeah total bumski, but I think I'm about to kick this sickness to the curb. Helllllo healthy self! Anyways, I had a really bad cough last week. I mean nasty-it was gross. I still have a little bit of a cough, but it's not as bad, and I think it's finally the end of it. Anyways...last week at dinner I coughed, and then Luchy ran to go get the Spanish-English dictionary. She looked up the word rub, and then said something in Spanish to Lisa, who then translated to me in English. Lisa said that Luchy heard me caughing in the middle of the night last night, and that she can rub me tonight if I want. I instantly thought of Vicks vapor rub stuff, and thought that would be great to rub some of that stuff on tonight to help me not cough during the night. I said "Si, gracias" and that was kinda the end of that conversation. Fastforward a couple hours to when I was saying goodnight. I did the side of the cheek kissy thing, said "Buenas noches. Hasta maƱana," and then headed to my room. I forgot all about the conversation we had at dinner about rubbing, and as as I was walking down the hallway to my room Lisa goes "Do you want my mom to rub you?" All along the Vicks vapor rub stuff really did sound good-very soothing, but in that moment I had a little freak out, I panicked. I thought to my self, what if Luchi wasn't talking about vapor rub stuff, and was just going to rub me. I mean Lisa did say "Do you want my mom to rub you?" I was flustered. "Ughhhh....ughhhh...I'll be fine tonight, maybe tomorrow night if it gets worse!" And that was that. No rubbing took place. But I did cough a lot. Better to be safe then sorry-that's how I like to play it! So tonight at dinner (I think it was after the dog farted) I coughed, and then got really nervous that Luchi was going to run over and get the Spanish-English dictionary again to tell me she can rub me. No gracias! :)


  1. We Love you!! And I love your stories!!!

  2. so i went on a date tonight and i read this. I laughed a lot to say the least. between this and FB comments. I miss you. And vicks is amazing!! i say rub away!

  3. I'm sorry ur sick! Feel better and keep laughing.. that seems to be good medicine. Miss u!
