Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Randomness but Goodness... and Funnness. Funnnes, I just made that word up!

There are 3 things I am very greatful for.....
1.) God's Grace
2.) My family
3.) The fact that I'm not a P.E. teacher right now, because I eat McDonalds twice a week here, and enjoy it.... thoroughly!

Yep, that's right. You heard me. And I know, that's gross. But at the same time, it's soooo so good! McDonalds. Who would have thought that I would love it so much? Not me, that's for sure. I eat McDonalds maybe, mayyyybe 4 times a year back in the States, and that's a stretch, but for some reason Kate and I crave it here. I think maybe because we get sick of the typical rice and beans, and want somthing you know..a little more... American! I think another reason why I love going there is that it's so easy to order. I feel so helpless walking into a restaurant and not knowing how to order in Spanish, but at McDonalds is pretty dang simple. Dos hamburguesas con queso y papas fritas por favor. Yeah, so lets just hope I can kick this bad habbit by the time I get back to the U.S, or maybe a little sooner, because I don't want to be that P.E. teacher who is teaching about fitness and health, and then is chompin' away at McDonalds twice a week. So yeah...I'm greatful I'm not a P.E. teacher right now, because for the time being I'm gonna chomp away. Don't judge :)

Other stuff going on besides being slighltly obsessed with hamburguesas con queso....

The other day Kate and I were in the YL office. Our office area is upstairs. Maga, the director of YL for Costa Rica, came upstairs with her fiancé, Mao, and started talking to Kate and myself. She was talking in Spanish, so of course I didn't understand, and then next thing you know Kate was sooo excited! "Yes, yes! Of course! That's awesome! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!" I was clueless, had no idea what was going on...pretty typical for me here. Kate turned to me excitedly and told me that Maga and Mao wanted to invite us to their wedding at the end of the month! Then I had the same reaction as Kate, very excited....just a little delayed! And by a little, I mean like a solid 30 seconds! :)
HOLY COW, WE ARE GOING TO OUR FIRST COSTA RICAN WEDDING!!!!!!!!! HOW COOL!!! I LOVE WEDDINGS! And I'm hoping my dance classes will pay off at the reception!

Other quick story. I have loved everything about my host families house so far...until yesterday. I've never been scared, and have felt totally comfortable (awkward on the other hand...I've totally felt awkward) up until this last night. I'll paint the scene for you. I was about to go to bed, and I have these curtains in my room that my host mom, Luchi, opens up everyday. And then at night, I close them so that the light dosen't wake me up real early. I went to untie the curtain and no joke, half a foot away (which was wayyyy to close for my own comfort) was the hugest spider I have ever seen in my life. Not even kidding, this sucker was HUGE! And...hairy! And....disgusting. And did I mention HUGE? I freaked out. Usually I'm not afraid of spiders, unless they are the size of my face. I had no idea what to do, so I called Kate! I just needed some support. You know, a little guidance on how to kill the largest spider I've ever seen. She told me to get a shoe and hit it off of the curtains, and then smash it! So I tried...but not only was that sucker HUGE, it was freaking fast. I tried getting it on the ground, because I dind't want spider guts all over my host mom's perfectly clean white curtains, but the spider scurried up to the top of the curtains. At this point I really had no idea what to do since I couldn't reach the top of the curtains, and I by no means wanted to try to hit the spider and it fall on my head. So...I pulled out my Spanish/English dictionary and looked up a couple words that I would try to tell my host mom. The words, kill, spider. Pretty basic, and right to the point. That's how I roll! I thought if she heard those words she could get the gist of what was going on. She was on the phone though, and I didn't want to go interupt. I heard my host brother in the bathroom taking a shower! "Oh gosh, this is perfect!" I thought. I'll just have Tacho kill the HUGE spider. He's a dude, he will find pure joy out of this, and so will I because I wont have to kill it! I was waiting on my bed, so that I could see him walk out of the bathroom door, but then Luchi came walking down the hall right towards me. She smiled, like she always does, and in panic, I just said BIG English. Yeah yeah, I had been practicing how to say help kill spider in Spanish for the last 5 minutes, but this was no time for messing around. Luchi understood me!!! Thank you Jesus, because that could have been much more dificult! She ran to go get some bug spray, and then banged on the door to get Tacho! With in 2 minutes the spider was gone. Dead! No longer my room! I really cannot express to you how happy I was. Happy dosen't do my emotions justice when I saw that HUGE, fast, hairy, HUGE spider, dead. My room was sprayed down with bug spray in a matter of seconds! Thank you Luchi and Tacho for saving my life and not letting the spider eat me in the middle of the night.


  1. weasel. you write like you talk. i appreciate this sooo much.

    help. kill. spider. -hilarious-

  2. Hey! Lisa you are so awesome at keeping us posted with your daily activities!Your blog cracks me up... Anyways, When I was in Costa Rica a few years ago we stayed at a kite boarding hotel (like a hostel) and our friend Lance had a Trantula the size of a dinner plate in his room one night! He smashed it with his shoe and it's guts splattered all over his face and into his open mouth... so I'm glad that your first method didn't work cause the same thing might have happened!!

  3. I read this blog and please know that my skin is crawling all the way from Denver. I'm so impressed! My roomies will attest to my unnatural fear of even the smallest spider and all I can say is that should i have been in your shoes - i would not have been able to sleep in that room for at least a week if ever again. - Kate Ohrt

  4. You get to go to Maga's wedding. Jealous! We loved her. Glad the spider died. I can just see you sitting on your bed terrified waiting for help. These make me laugh...and I love it! Miss you!
