Monday, September 14, 2009

You wanna go to the mall? Sure!

Given the fact that it's past 10, I would typically be asleep by now (I'm kinda a grandma here and go to bed usually around um...9:45 ish), but it's Independence Day eve and I can't sleep because I'm so excited! Little known fact about me... I.LOVE.INDEPENDENCE.DAY! That's right, you heard me...I love it! I pretty much get two 4th of July's in one year...kinda, except one is in September! But you get the point. Ahhh, so excited!

Today Kate and I were leaving the Young Life office, and we on a whim decided to catch a bus to the mall. We had been to the mall this past weekend to see a movie, and were pretty sure we knew how to get back there, so we thought what the heck! And, we made it...with out the slightest little problem! I mean...we have been here for a month now, we're almost pros! So the was nice. Neither of us have any money to shop, but we did however have some dolla dolla bills for some tasty tasty food! Really you can't pass up milkshakes, Cinnabon, and carmel popcorn on a Monday afternoon. OH MY GOSH, it was delicious!

Here were some of my observations while we were at the mall...
-Barney is still cool here in Costa Rica. Go figure! Yeah, the last time I saw a Barney stuffed animal in the States was maybe in 1994? Probably the same time that I saw balloon inside ballons that had stuffed animals inside of them. Remember those? Yeah, well...those are still cool in CR too!
-We walked into this really fancy looking boutique. It was small, and did I mention fancy? And then I realized it was a Forever 21. What? XXI in Costa Rica? I'm not used to seeing small, fancy, non crowded Forever 21's. It was mind blowing, and way more expencive. No me gusta.
-While you are shopping in stores employees follow you around like a freaking hawk. Not kidding...a hawk! And then they would ask me questions, and I clearly had no idea what they were saying, so I followed up with the go to safe gracias!
-Oh this isn't an observation, just a excited fact. I found light up shoes that fit me. You know, the ones that 8 year old boys wear that light up when they walk. Yeah...those ones! Found them, and they fit! They had superhero's on them, and they.were.awesome! I had to remind myself of my needs vs. wants, so I didn't end up getting them, although I'm still kinda convinced they would be rather life changing.
-Trapper Keepers are coming back in style ladies and gentlemen! Yep, they had Roxy ones, Volcom ones, and Billabong ones! Trapper Keepers!!! Bring back the 90's!!! (Seriously, between the trapper keepers, Barney stuffed animals, and balloons inside balloons, I felt like I was reliving my childhood...except in Costa Rica!)

Alright, it's wayyyy past my bed time! I'm off to dream of dia de la Independencia! Oh believe me... you will hear all about it :)

¡buenas noches! abrazos y besos! (good night! hugs and kisses!)

1 comment:

  1. You know what else is coming back?? Tie Dye!! You were a couple years ahead of your time with your tie dye making. Love you and Happy Independence Day!
