Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I wear my sunglasses at night. And during the day. And especially when it's raining!

Here is my greatest fear about living in Costa Rica.

Are you ready for it?

-Getting an eye poked out by an umbrella.

For real, legitamit fear. Yesterday when I left my house in route to the office it was clear, and then two minutes later it was a torrential downpour. Annnnd I still had a 25 minute walk to the office. Awesome. And really, I totally thought my umbrella would have offered way better protection. Nope, I was still soaked. I think I'm gonna invest in a full body poncho. I don't know why I say invest.-I don't think those suckers are very expensive, but an investment sounds mature and grown up! Hey Mom, do we still have those ones from Disney World? You know, the yellow ones with a big Mickey Mouse face on them? I mean I wouldn't stick out as a Gringa in that baby! Yeaaaah....riiiight! Oh p.s. there are two seasons here in Costa Rica...rainy season and not rainy season, also known as dry season. Yeah, it's rainy season right now. So...yesterday was the first time that I realized how freaking difficult it is to walk on a super skinny sidewalk with an umbrella when everyone else and their mom has an umbrella too. It was a challenge, and I was nervous and scared all at the same time. Scared that I would bump into somone or knock their umbrella. And nervous...well...I'm not really sure why. I was just nervous. Later that day I told John how hard it was walking to the office and he said..and I quote,"Yeah, I wear my sunglasses just to be safe. I don't wanna get an eye poked out!" I thought he was just being funny. Ohhhh no, he wasn't. He's serious...and very smart. I never thought about getting an eye poked out...until today. After John made that comment that's all I could think about while walking this afternoon. It was a pretty paranoid walk-I just kept visioning myself simply strolling along and then BAM, eyeball gone because it got poked by the little pokey part of the umbrella. Talk about a rought way to loose an eye. "Oh you know, just the standard umbrella accident, no biggie!" Noooo thank you! So there you have greatest fear here in Costa Rica. I still don't like spiders, especially HUGE ones in my room, but come on umbrellas...who would have thought I would be scared of umbrellas?

Other things going on besides new phobias of mine...

-We had Young Life club last night. It was sweet! Had a handful of new kids there! Oh and then I got a random text message from Kate this afternoon that said "Oh my gosh. We might have head lice!! SHIT." Apparently some kids went home from Country Day School (the other international school) today with head lice. And one of the kids who was at club last night is one of the kids who has lice. I'll let you know if I get it. I hope I don't. I already had it once. In first grade. I should totally be exempt from ever having it again. Right?!

-We had our second basketball game yesterday. We lost, but...they scored 19 points! This is big time! The second half the girls played a ton better, and I'm excited to see this team grow. Oh and Sam, the chick who just moved here from China who has never played basketball before, is a freaking shooter! Girl had like 12 points! Holy cow! I was so excited for her!

-I feel like the Lord is teaching me a ton right now. Don't know how to really put it into words, but I feel it. And I like it! Being stripped of everything comfortable when coming somewhere new, especially a different country where everything is new (laungage, customs, ect...) has totally opened my eyes to see our Father in fresh ways. Me gusta!

-I have a TV in my room. This is a recent addition, and something I have really come to love! I usually don't watch a ton of TV, but man it's so nice to be able to come home, lay on my bed, and simply not have to think. Being around Spanish for a long period of time is ex-haus-ting, and by the end of the day it's so nice to go into my room and relax. AND...I GET TO WATCH THE DENVER NEWS! I know, it's weird and I have no idea how it works, but somehow Costa Rica gets local Denver news. Channel 9,7, and 4! I feel like I'm right at home. It's kinda weird because I'm not at home...I'm actually in a whole different country, but I love it!!!

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