Friday, February 19, 2010

¿Cómo se dice resume en español?

Once again, my life here is a struggle...daily, due to my lack of Spanish knowledge of course. This morning at breakfast my host mom asked me if I had any plans for the day. She asks me this almost every day, and usually I can tell her I´m going up to school or to the Young Life office. And today I actually did have plans. Throughout the week I had been planning that Saturday would be the day that I would revise my resume and start looking/applying for teaching jobs. But when Luchi asked me if I had plans, clearly I didn´t know how to tell her all of that in Spanish, so I just thought it would be easier if I said no. So, that´s what I did. I said no. She then she told me she was going over to her sisters house. I thought I said, ¨Si, que bueno¨ at the appropriate time, but come to find out later I didn´t.

An hour later I was at the computer working on my resume, and she came and said...¨Lisa, vamos (let´s go)!¨I gave her the oh crap look. I realized that I had agreed to go with her. SHOOT! Plus, I wasn´t ready at all, and was totally in the zone and wanting to get my resume stuff done. I froze. I had no idea what to do. Well, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, I just had no idea how to do it. How do I tell Luchi that I want to come, but I had already planned on knocking out my resume, and I really need to be productive with applying for teaching jobs? Yeah, how do I say all of that in SPANISH???????? Resume...resumeo? Heck if I know. So....I called my trusty friend Boo, and told him the situataion, and then I gave my cell phone to Luchi, and Boo gave her the skinny. I felt like I was playing Who Wants to be a Millionare, and I used my Phone-A-Friend life line.

The end.

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