Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quote of the week

My friend Sofi...she's hilarious, and a lot of times she says really really funny things. That was the case on Friday night. Here's the sitch. We, Kate, Sofi, and I were all on our way to Wyldlife club. Club is in an area about 30 ish minutes away from where we live in a city called Escazú. Other then it having a really cool name which is fun to say, here's what you need to know about Escazú. It´s nice. Nice cars. Big houses. Lots of money. The wealthiest part of Costa Rica hands down. You also need to know that Sofi just got her license on Thursday. She's a good driver, I take that back, a great driver, and I feel totally comfortable with her driving! But... clearly driving a stick shift can present it's fair share of problems when you are a new-b. That happened to be the case that night. We were leaving a pizza place that we had dinner at, and as we were reversing in the tightly packed parking lot, Sofi got herself into a little pickle. She reversed, and then couldn't put it into the right gear (don´t ask me which one that is, I know nothing about driving stick shifts) without the car rolling backwards. We continually got closer and closer to the car behind us, which happened to be a nice new black Volvo SUV. Yes, those exist here. Sofi stopped to compose herself and then says ¨Guys. I mean...I can hit a car in San Pedro, but I CAN NOT hit a car in Escazú.¨ Oh man, I lost it. Well said Sof, well said! Kate gave her a little pep talk and in a matter of seconds we were on our way...and we didn't even hit a Escazú...or San Pedro. WooHoo! Buen trabajo Sof, buen trabajo!

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