Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The jefes (bosses) are gone...lets go to a volcano!

Absolutely insanely awesome day...check!

John and Jessie, our bosses, are in Nicaragua for the week for a lil´ International School YL conference, so we didn't have Young Life club tonight. And since Wednesdays are usually spent preparing for club, Kate and I pretty much had a day off! What what! Holler atchya´day off! Plus, our friend Damon was in town, so we opted to go on an adventure! I feel like if you have the choice, an adventure is always a good route to take! Done and done.

We caught the bus from downtown San José this morning at 8:30. For some reason it took us forever and 2 years to get to the Volcano, but on the way back it only took us an hour. I´m still confused about how that worked. Anyways, so the bus took us straight to the Volcano...essentially. Our bus driver stopped for some strawberries on the side of the road and a short pit stop, but other than that straight to Volcan Poas.

Here´s the thing though, there are these really sweet waterfalls about 30 minutes away from the volcano that the three of us really wanted to see, BUT there is only one bus, the one that we took, that goes to the volcano, and then it goes back to San José at 2:00 in the pm. Needless to say, if we wanted to do both, volcano and waterfalls, which we did, we were a little crunched for time. So on the bus we game planned. We decided we were going to book it up to the top of the volcano...check it out, bask in its glory, and then book it back down. I mean really, the volcano was sick, so awesome, but you can only look at a volcano for so long. Am I right or am I right?

Next part of our plan...figuring out how to get to the waterfalls. While we were still on the bus we asked our bus driver if he could pick us up from the Supermercado, at the bottom of the hill, because we were planning on going to the waterfalls. He said ¨Si¨and told us he would pick us up at the Supermercado at 2:10.

Now we just had to figure out how we were getting to the waterfalls. Once we got back to the visitor center after seeing the volcano, Damon wondered off, so Kate and I decided to check out the gift shop. Seven minutes later Damon comes into the shop and tells us to hurry up because we have a ride! He worked some kind of magic, and we jumped in this van with an older couple form California who had hired a tour guide. I thought our tour guide, Juan, was a little sketch because we were all talking about fruit, so I asked him what his favorite fruit in Costa Rica is and he said...Women. I mistakenly thought he said Lemon, call me crazy it sounded like lemon and after all we WERE talking about fruit, so I replied with...Oh, awesome! So that was kinda awkward, but other then his sketchy women comments, he was a great tour guide! Anyways, we finally make it to the waterfalls. Boom snap!

At this point we only have an hour before we need to leave again to get back to the supermarket. We ask the information guy at the visitor center how long it takes to get to the first waterfall. I was thinking maybe twenty minutes max, and he says one hour. Son of a B! One hour, we don´t have that kind of time dude. We were hoping to check out both waterfalls and all the other sweet the monkeys. So, once again we book it! We are full on running, which was funny because there were a lot of old people who were walking suuuuuuper slow, and then we would just blaze past them. Sorrrrry my dust! Just kidding... kind of! A.N.Y.W.A.Y.S, we were able to see both waterfalls, the monkeys, the bird exhibit, and the butterfly lil´pavilion thing. All of it was so awesome.

Ok, so now our last little task was to find a way back to the supermarket. We go out to the parking lot and Damon once again finds a man and asks if he will give us a ride if we pay him. Homeslice, is super nice, very friendly, and then when we get to the supermarket he is all...Ten mil. Ten mil! What the crap dude! Ten mil is what he charged us, and it is equivalent to TWENTY U.S. DOLLARS... for an 8 minute taxi ride. Moral of this story...we got jipped...hard. But we made it to the supermarket with 10 minutes to spare so we were feeling ok. I mean, a little pissed we got screwed by our taxi ¨friend¨Rouel, but whatever. That´s probably not even how you spell his name, but I don´t even care. Take that Rouel!

I know this is long story, but I´m almost done. So we are hanging out at the supermarket waiting for the bus, and then out of nowhere our bus, the ONLY bus that will take us back to San José, goes flying past us. This thing is haullin. Not even slowing down in the slightest as he passes the Supermercado. All three of us looked at each other with this look of ¨Oh mother! I think he´s gonna stop. I hope? He´s going to stop right? But it doesn't really look like it. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨ So naturally that´s what we did. We ran. And we ran freaking fast... after our bus. And don´t worry, homeslice is still cruisin´down this huge hill. Then thankfully, after sprinting 200 yards, with a backpack on which isn´t easy, he slows down....not for us though, but for the construction traffic. I have never in my whole life been so thankful for construction traffic. Thank.You. Jesus! Like for real, thank you Jesus because we were all out of money, thanks to Rouel, and who the crap knows how we would have gotten back to the city.

Synopsis of the day. Awesome, and a lot of running.
The end.

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