Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dance Monkey Dance!

SO. I learned a new Spanish phrase the other day. Yep. Tome chi chi! It means ¨take that.¨It´s pretty much the equivalent to the English version of ¨touche.¨So, the other night I was in the car with my host mom, host sister and two of her friends, and I felt that it was an appropriate time to tell them I learned a new Spanish phrase. Lisa asked me what it was and I responded with ¨Tome chi chi!¨ and the whole car died laughing. I mean, I guess it is kinda funny that I´m this gringa chick that knows hardly any Spanish, but I know these crazy local slangs and phrases. Ever since then I have become a circus animal. Whenever I am around Lisa´s friends she will say ¨Say your phrase!¨ I say it, and then they all start laughing. And then I get my bone. Just kidding...about the bone part, but not about the them laughing part.

My host dad came home from the beach yesterday (where he lives/works) to be able to vote today. This morning at breakfast we were talking and then Luchi was all ¨Say your phrase!¨ And once again, being the circus animal I am, I said ¨Tome chi chi¨ and Don Tacho started cracking up. Dance monkey dance!!!! Come on gringa, say your phrase, say your phrase!!!!

OH, here´s some big news going on in the Rica. TODAY was the presidential elections! HOLY CRAP, elections are wayyyyy more fun here then they are in the States. No offense US. Here, everyone drives around with these colored flags representing their preferable candidate. The flags are either on their car, or sticking out of their car. And today people were flag LOCO! Absolutely crazy! People literally drove around just to wave their flags out their window. There were cars everrrrywhere, and each car was packed out. People were also riding on the roofs of cars. It was election day, so apparently you can do that! Kate and I stood on a street corner for about 30 minutes yelling ¨Otton!!!!!!!!!¨ He was one of the candidates, and the one that I was fake voting for. I kinda felt like I was cheating on my host fam when I was cheering for him though, because my host fam was voting for Laura. I liked Laura at first, you know, like a kid likes whoever their parents like. But here´s the thing, I´m pretty easy to sway when it comes to me liking political candidates in a country that I can´t actually vote in, and since my really cool new friends Stefàn and Ale like Otton, I started rooting for him. Go Otton! Whatever, I´m a gringa, my opinion means nothing in this matter. I just liked cheering for someone when I was standing on the street, and Otton was more fun to cheer for because there were way more Otton flags, which means way more honking!!! Anyways, Otton didn´t even win.... Laura won! Yep, a chick is now the president of Costa Rica. So, it´s kinda like Sara Palin...except people here like her...and she won....and it´s not even a big deal that she´s a chick. She is the first woman president in this country, and its no big deal. Weird.

Hasta Luego mi amigos! Tome chi chi!

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