Friday. A thunderstorm or two.
Saturday. A couple of thunderstorms.
Sunday (here's my favorite!). A thunderstorm possible.
Really? Realllly? Is this forecast a joke? A thunderstorm possible? Really? I mean, I could have told you that, and I practically failed Meteorology class in college! There are two seasons in Costa Rica. Rainy season. and. Dry season. Right now we are still in Rainy season where it storms EVERY single day. RAIN. RAIN. RAIN. LLUVIA. LLUVIA. LLUVIA. (that means rain in Spanish :) ) It's poring rain as I type, and all the forcast says is there is a possibility there could be a thunderstorm. Really? This has to be a joke.
Other things to write home about. Today when I was walking home from basketball practice I saw what I thought was a rotten banana peel on the sidewalk, but no no it was in fact a dead rat! I thought to myself "I don't think I've ever really seen a real rat before-just ones in movies." Check that one of the life to do list. See a real (dead) rat...check!
My host Mom really liked my Lego Halloween costume. She told her entire extended family about it! There were all over here for dinner tonight and my costume was totally dinner conversation.
I just showed my host sister a picture of all the snow they got back home in Denver last week. Her mouth dropped and she said "I would die there!" I thought it was funny.
Te quiero a todos. Gracias por todo tu amor y apoyo. ¡Buenas noches mis amigos! (I love you all. Thank you for all your love and support. Good night my friends!)
weasel, you must see banana peels on the sidewalk all the time, because that would NOT have been my first thought. THAT'S only in the movies :) miss you.