Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving, New Moon, and Christmas decorations- what more could I want?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. No, people don't typically celebrate Thanksgiving in Costa Rica, but you better believe we did! The Suwyn's had us over for a Thanksgiving feast, and it was so great. Between all the Young Life and Vida Joven staff there was probably about 25 people there, and it was a lot of people's first Thanksgiving...ever! So fun! We have so much to be thankful for!
Yesterday Kate and I went to see Luna Nueva...aka...New Moon! Ohhh Twilight, how I never thought I would like you...and then I got suckerd into it, and I kinda like you now! :) Holy crap, it was ridiculous. I don't think I've ever been to such a hyped up movie before. For reals, there was a HUGE line wrapping around the movie theater an hour and a half before the movie even started. What??? I'm pretty positive every Costa Rican girl between the age of 11-15 was there. They screamed. Literally, screamed. When the movie finally started...they screamed. When Edward and Bella kissed...they screamed. When Jacob took off his shirt to wipe blood from Bella's face...they screamed (I may or may not have let out a little yip when this happened too! Homeboy is hot) And my favorite part was the way the movie ended...and everyone screamed really loud!

My host mom is so gringa. Well, not really, she's totally tica, but she didn't start putting up her Christmas decorations until last night (after Thanksgiving even though peeps in CR don't celebrate Thanksgiving)....unlike every other Costa Rican who started decorating in September. Yes, September. You think I'm exaggerating, but seriously many people and businesses had their Christmas decorations up in September. And early September matter-of-fact. Luchy was setting up her Christmas village last night and almost wet myself I was so excited. My mom has a Christmas village too and for a second in time I felt like I was at my own house! I tried to tell Luchy and Lisa (mi host sister) about the time my Aunt Becky snuck into our house while we were all gone. She bought little cowboy and indian toys, (see picture below!) and knocked down the people in the village to make it look like cowboys and indians attacked. My whole family thought it was hilarious, but I don't think Luchy and Lisa got it. It was worth a try!
After Luch, was done setting up the village I made her stand by it, and I took a picture. Pretty sure she thought "there goes my crazy host daughter again, making me pose for awkward pictures," but whatever! I love her. I mean seriously...look at her. How could you not love this woman?
OH and Luchy told me last night when she was decorating that the most important Christmas decoration in CR is the nativity scene. I checked out the nativity scene this morning, but it looked like something was missing. Little baby Jesus...where are you? I thought maybe someone stole little baby Jesus like I used to do when I was a kid, but then I learned that they put Him in there at midnight on Christmas eve. Don't worry, no one stole little baby Jesus! Phew!

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