Monday, November 23, 2009

I have a confession...

I'm going to let you in on a little secret if you didn't know already- I don't know Spanish. I know shocking right. That's not the confession though. I live in Costa Rica, but I definitely don't know Spanish. I mean...I know some, but not a lot by any means. And my friend Tony, well, he knows a lot of Spanish because he's from Costa Rica. He works for Vida Joven (that's what Young Life here is called if it's not at International schools.) Anyways, he dabbles with English, and for sure knows more English then I know Spanish. After we left the office one afternoon the both of us we walking to the bus stop. We had a very simply and basic conversation in which he told me I need to speak more Spanish. I am totally aware that I should speak more Spanish, but I was thinking DUDE, I don't know Spanish. I just said "ok" though because that was way easier!

Fast forward a couple days. Tony sends me a little instant message via Facebook. I am what one would consider a resourceful person, so what do I do? Glad you asked. I went to Google Translate and translated every word he said from Spanish to English. And then I typed what I wanted to say to Tony and translated that to Spanish. Brilliant I know! So we had a full blown SPANISH!!!! BOOYAH!!! Thank you Google Translate. I was pretty excited...until...a couple days after that. I was talking to Jessie and telling her how frustrating it is knowing such a limited amount of Spanish. She was all "but I talked to Tony the other day, and he said your Spanish is really good!" Ohhhhh mother! Frick. I knew that Facebook Google Translate convo would sooner or later catch up to me. Dannnngit! I casually avoided Tony for a good week. Not really avoiding him, just avoiding conversations with him at all costs.

BUT this afternoon Kate, Tony, and I were all at the office hanging out while Jessie was finishing up some work. Tony said "Let's have Spanish class!" as if it was some brilliant idea, but really it just made me want to cuss! HE THINKS I KNOW SPANISH...BUT I DON'T!!! CRAP! So. He kept asking us questions in Spanish. Kate was sitting across from me which was hilarious, because she knew about the Facebook convo Tony and I had had, and the fact that he think my Spanish is really good when in reality it is pretty much non existent. Tony kept asking a zillion questions, and I giggled my way through this really painful Spanish conversation one mispronounced word at a time. Dear Google Translate, I currently have a love/hate relationship with you. Love always, Lisa.

p.s. My host mom is blaring Christmas music right now as she cooks. Again, just another reason why I love this woman!


  1. weasel - i don't see how this is fault of google-translate. what's funny'll never tell him you did that and he'll be confused for the rest of his life?

  2. so i heard about your blog forever ago, and i have been trying to find it for weeks--apparantly i spell pantelones wrong? but i'm almost in tears laughing so far, and can't wait to hear more 1) from you, because i find you hilarious and 2) about your time in cr, because that place is hilarious!
