Thursday, November 12, 2009

Look! Un conejito!

Ohhhh the language barrier...still. Yes, I am learning some Spanish, but I'm still confused a lot of times and the whole barrier is still very present. For example...last week on our way to Young Life Boo was swerving through the pot hole steets of San Pedro. The streets here do I say this...horrible. When people drive here they swirve all over the place in order to miss the huge craters in the street. Now, swerving I'm getting used to, but as we were driving Boo out of no where slammed on his brakes. He yelled something in Spanish, and as he continued to drive he poked his head out his window and was looking behind him..still yelling. So naturally I turn around and to my amazement I see a bunny rabbit in the street. A BUNNY RABBIT!!! IN THE STREET! WHAT! That's like seeing a little bunny foo foo in the middle of a street in New York City...ish. I was sooo surprised. There are probably at least a million street dogs in San Jose. They.are.everywhere. But a bunny? This is one thing I hadn't seen so far in San Jose. So...I yell "Look! A bunny!" Everyone in the car started cracking up, because what Boo said as he was yelling out the window in Spanish was "Look! A bunny!" I like where his head is at, and I'm glad we are on the same page...I'm just 30 seconds behind!

These next couple weeks are going to be super busy, and I'm so excited for everything that's going on! I literally could pee my pants. Ok, maybe not, but I'm so excited!

1. Beach tomorrow- Yes, I'm going to the beach...again! Last weekends trip was last minute/spur of the moment/fly by the seat of your pants, but Kate, Meredith, Anna and I have been planning this weekends beach trip for a couple weeks now. We will be going to Puerto Viejo again, and I can't even wait. This means Maracuya ice cream, laying in the sun, and cruisin' around on bikes (with baskets on the front of them) all weekend long. Yes please!

2. Seventh grade generation camp for Lincoln- Boy With a Ball, the organization Anna (the head basketball coach) works for, puts on generation camps for each middle school and high school grade at Lincoln. These are secular camps that teach values, but totally awesome and ran very similar to Young Life camp. We had a planning meeting this morning and dude I'm excited! Talk about awesome contact work! We will be with every 7th grader at Lincoln for 3 full days! Again, thank you Jesus for providing such cool ways for us to meet kids.

3. Thanksgiving at the Suwyn's- Kevin and Michelle Suwyn are incredible. Kevin is the boss of my boss...aka a big deal! He is the director of YL for Central America. They are both from the States but have been here working for Young Life for 10 year now. They have 3 kids- Noah, Elijah, and Samarah, and holy cow...they're awesome. All of us gringo's will be spending Thanksgiving at their house eating, hanging out, and watching football.

4. New Moon-I have a confession. Kate has gotten me into the whole Twilight saga. Don't judge me! A group of us are going to see the movie the night it comes out in Costa Rica, which is 7
days later then it comes out in the States, but that's impressive because most movies come out months later!

5. Christmas YL and WL club- It's going to be awesome. We only have one Young Life club and 2 Wyld Life clubs left for the semester. Holy smokes!

6. Malpais con amigos de Kate! Kate has 5 friends from Colorado coming out for a week and we are going to get to go to the beach with them for a couple days! We've never been to Malpais, but I've heard cool things!

7. Home! I really can't believe that I will be home in less then a month. A prayer of mine for the last month or so has been that my heart would be fully here. A couple weeks ago this was so hard, but at this point I'm really content. I'm not counting down the days till I get to be back in Colorado, but at the same time I'm very excited to go home. Does that make sense?

Alright friends, I have to go write my first card in Spanish. My host sister graduates from college tomorrow! I bought her a card from Hallmark (I think it says Congratulations or something of that sort) and now I have to figure out what to say inside it. Buen trabajo? Good job. I think that's right.

Much love.

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