Wednesday, August 5, 2009

8 days left

So the big departure to Costa Rica is in 8 days. Count em'. 8. I really can't believe it. I don't feel ready to go. I take that back. I feel ready... ready as I'll ever be (minus the packing part.) It just hasn't hit me that I will actually be leaving in a week.

It's already August? What? Where did the summer go? It's flown by, that's for sure, but it's been so sweet... and filled with lots of golf with Randi! I have really come to love Denver. The transition of leaving Lawrence to come back home to do my student teaching was so much greater then I could have ever expected. I was so stoked to be back with my family, but definitely nervous about leaving my community at school, the group of people I had walked life with for the last three and a half years. They knew the core of me, and they loved me well. The Lord is faithful though, and I have come really love the community He has blessed me with here in Denver. There's a group of about 10 girls who are freaking awesome, and the last six months have been so fun with them. I'm totally comfortable here in Denver that I'm leaving the country :)

I'm so so excited for this adventure though. I'm blown away about how much the Lord knows me. Yeah yeah, I know, He's my creator, but dang. HE. KNOWS. ME! He knows my desires and my needs more then I know my own desires and my own needs. Can I get an amen? :) It's been so cool looking back on journal entries from last semester (yes, my life still runs on semesters!) and seeing straight up His faithfulness and goodness. It dosen't surprise me that I'll be leading Young Life. I love the ministry, and have always know I would love to be involved after college in some way, but never did I think that meant being on staff in Costa Rica. Really? Woahh! I can't wait to lead with no other agenda. Here's what gets me jazzed. I get to lead Young Life, and I won't have any homework!!! I can be so intentioal about relationships and loving on kids, and I don't have to worry about failing an anatomy test (yes, I did fail an anatomy test..or two. sorry mom!)

So, in 8 days the adventure begins. I cant wait to learn more about the Lord's character, and to be so streched spiritually. I sometimes, and by sometimes I mean constantly, am amazed that God uses broken and messy people to further His kingdom. Here we go!

Oh and for those of you wondering, I still don't know Spanish. Yep that's right, I'm moving to Costa Rica, and I don't know Spanish. I really wish I had paid more attention in high school Spanish. Woops. I had some Spanish classes this summer, and they were helpful, but to say I KNOW Spanish would be quite the strech. So...this should be good! At least everything YL based will be in English, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of funny blog posts of things I thought I was saying correctly in Spanish, but was WAY off. Guarantee it!

In the words of Ron Burgundy.... Stay classy, San Diego!

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