Saturday, August 15, 2009

Feliz dia de Costa Rica

Yep, thats right its mothers day in Costa Rica! I will have to blog about it later to tell you all about it! (Oh, and please ignor my lack of apostrophys, Im using my host families computer, and believe it or not, the buttons are different...and I cant for the life of me figure out to do an apostrophy.)
In other news....
I finally found out the names of my two dogs. The labs name is Bruce, which is funny because for the first 24 hours I was calling him Ruz, because thats what it sounded like when mi familia would call his name. I didnt find out his name was Bruce until last night when Kate was over at my house, and mi mama said to Kate, "His name is Ruz Willis." AND then I giggled inside, because I finally realized the dogs freaking name was Bruce, not Ruz. Duh, like BRUCE Willas! Which is also hilarious that my Costa Rican families dog is named after Bruce Willas. And then there is the precious dalmation, whom I love! His name is Pecas, which means freckles, which is also hilarious, and mi host mama opened up his mouth to spow me the spots in his mouth. Who knew, dalmations have spots in their mouths! Me gusta!

Ruz Willis (Bruce)

Freckles (Pecas)

Alright, adios for now!

1 comment:

  1. fancy pantelones is proving to be the highlight of my days thus far.... a close second being your facebook where i can look at your pictures...but i don't miss yet...that would be ridiculous.

    (come home.)

    who said that??
