Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Probably the funniest hour and a half of my life!

There are two things I'm horrible at. Spanish. and. Dancing. And...don't worry, last night I took an hour and a half dancing class in SPANISH. Yes, that's right! John told Kate and I that he had a surprise for us... and then we showed up at the freaking dance studio. I just laughed, and thought to myself that this is going to be hilarious. And that it was my friends...HILARIOUS! For the warm up we had to sit cross legged on the floor and do these shimmying type of exercises with our shoulders and hips. There were several times I literally thought I could have peed my pants. That's just me being honest with you! I had no idea what the teacher was saying the whole entire class, and I couldn't stop laughing thinking about the fact that I was in this dance class. To make matters worse (or more hilarious) I was wearing a neon orange shirt, so I stuck out BIG time! Needless to say, every second of the hour and a half was momentous, and we are going back next week. I'll let you know how that class goes!

P.S. this photo does not do my neon orange shirt justice. It was BRIGHT!

Afterwards we went to The Burn's house for dinner. Brooke and Doug are on committee here for YL Costa Rica and they.are.wonderful. Seriously, so wonderful! They have a son, Austin, who is in 8th grade, and a daughter, MaryBeth, who is in 6th. Both of them go to Lincoln, and are super involved in Wyld Life. It was such a sweet sweet time to be over there with them. Brooke was on YL staff in Texas for a while, so it was so fun getting to talk to her about Young Life stuff. I left that time feeling so supported and loved on.

So, to sum up the night...it was all around AWESOME! :)

Gotta go. We are off to go get our Costa Rica license. Boom! Snap!



  1. gosh i wish there was video footage from that dance thing. hilarious.

  2. person. i love this.
    john already knows you so well. :) maybe you'll get a chance to show off your flexibility next class.
    i'm glad you just ALMOST peed your pants....because lets me honest...that would have been embarrassing. ;)
    love you! miss you!

  3. To see you in a dance class with a bright orange shirt and unable to understand what is going on would have been worth the plane ticket to go.

  4. i wish you would have peed your pants...then i would call you "wet pantalones"

