Sunday, August 16, 2009

I flushed the toilet paper...twice!

One wierd thing about Costa Rica is that you arent supposed to flush the toilet paper. (Again ignore the apostrophys because I still havent figured this keyboard out) Carrying on... Yeah, so people dont flush the toilet paper. Weird, I know, but the pipe system cant handle it, or so I hear. There is a little trash can in each bathroom next to the toilet that you put the toilet paper in once youre finished with your business. This my friend takes a lot of concious effort. I seriously have to think about not putting the toilet paper in the toilet. The first time I peed at my host families house I put the toilet paper in the toilet, naturally, and then freaked out! I had just been at my host families house for about 10 minutes, and the last thing I wanted to do was have to somehow tell my host mom I clogged the toilet. Lets be honest, that would be rather difficult given the fact that I dont speak spanish, and Ive never really been good at charades. Thankfully, part of the toilet paper was still sticking out of the water, so I very cautiously grabbed it, wrapped it in some dry toilet paper, and then put it in the trash can. It was a success! Feww, I was worried!

So last night John, Jessie, Kate and I went to go see a movie. We went to the movie theater in the mall which is very similar to any theater back home in the States. Kate and I went to the bathroom before the movie, and I didnt even realize I had flushed the toilet paper until I was walking out of the stall. It felt no differnt from a theater back home, so I didnt even think twice about throwing the used toilet paper in the trash, cause that would be silly, right? =) And...dont worry we went to the restroom again after the movie, and I flushed the toilet paper down the toilet AGAIN! Im pretty sure I didnt completley screw up the whole piping system in Costa Rica, and that the toilets in the movie theater still work (fingers crossed), but this my friends is going to take some getting used to!

¡Hasta Luego!


  1. person. i love that you're talking about when, and how you pee in your blogs.
    you'll get used to it...only a few times of having to stick your hand in pee water and fish out your toilet paper with a hanger, and you'll remember to put it in the nice clean little trash can next to the toilet.
    love you.
    love the blog.
    tell kate i said hi!

  2. A) write "FLUSH TP" on the back of your hand
    B) draw a DO NOT ENTER symbol over that.
    C) badda bing badda boom - problem solved. you'll see it EVERY-TIME
