Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Playa Hermosa

The whole clan (John, Jessie, Kate and myself) got the chance to go to the beach this past weekend! We made the two hour trek down to Playa Hermosa on Saturday and got to stay until Monday. Let me tell you, it.was.awesome! We stayed at a hostel which was quite the bargin if you ask me. $15 bucks a night for a sweet pad is a friggin' steal. We had the upstairs third floor of the hostel all to ourselves, which included a roof hammock! What's up! Uncle John (which is Johns new nickname. It's a term of endearment, and he secretly loves it) was so great and tried to teach us how to surf. I was hoping that it would be in some way similar to snowboarding, but I got completley owned by the waves, and soon realized the two have nothing in common. And I mean nothing! Shucks! I'm determined to learn though by the time I leave this country. I have 10 months, so I hope to one day make Uncle John proud with my surfing improvments. Other than surfing, the weekend was filled with lots of reading, playing cards, and just haning out. It was nice and relaxing, minus the getting dominated by huge waves part.

Here are some pics!

Our sweet hostel! Our room was on the very top.

The view from our room. Seriously? The beach is right there. Awesome!
Roof Hammock? Don't mind if I do!
The spiral stair case up to our room! Carrying surf boards up it was rather difficult. Think skinny thoughts!

One thing about Costa Rica is that there are always random dogs...everywhere...even under John's car!
THE Galloper! John's car, and only the coolest car in the Rica.
Loving life...and the roof hammock!

God, you weren't messin' around when you made the earth! For realz!

Somethings in Costa Rica are cheaper then they are in the US. Beach towles are not one of those things. Here our our $12 beach towels.


  1. Gosh Ordway, I would pay good money to see you in your element as you navigate this country. Me gusta fancy pantelones! But remember, A-mer-ica is beautiful too.

  2. LISA! I Love reading you blog and it makes me miss your little face and want to move to Costa Rica with you. How would the madre y padre feel about that?
    p.s. I'm glad that you are now referring to John as uncle John and that there is a Jesse in the picture... because I will stop thinking about John and Kate plus 8 every time I read your blog. :)

  3. Leesy, John tried teaching me how to surf too. Go ahead and laugh.... it was RIDICULOUS! I almost died 5 times and almost lost my bottoms 10 times. Miss you!
