Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Knowing Spanish Would Be Rather Helpful! For Instance...

If I said I felt clueless 50% of the time here that would be a lie. It's more like 75%...thanks to dance class! We had our second dance class two nights ago, and again it was quite the experience. After leaving the first class last week part of me never wanted to return to the dance studio..ever, but the other part of me was dying to get back and do the shimmying warm up exercises! The warm up remains my favorite part of dance class for sure, hands down! This time we had to do the shimmying exercise while laying down. I mean, I really don't know how our instructor thinks it's possible to shimmy and use your hips while lying on the ground. I felt like a beached whale, trying to waddle back into the water. I think the warm up is my favorite because it's so rediculous, and no one is good at shimmying on the ground (I don't care who you are), therefore I don't feel that horrible at it. The dancing part though, that's a differnt story!

Ok, so the actual dancing part of class...I don't know which class was worse, the first or the second. I am probably going to have to go with the second,! I thought I had the Salsa down, but then our instructor had to throw in turns. Dannng it! I'm convinced though that if I could understand the instructors directions I would have simply mastered and straight up dominated the turns, but since I didn't understand her I unfortunatly looked like a stumbling fool. Woops, my bad!

While we were learning the turns I was partnered up with a gentleman named Phillip. He was an older guy, and a very sweaty mess. Seriously, he was very sweaty. Kate was his partner for a little bit last class, BUT I was the lucky one who got to be his dancing partner this time! I sometimes ask myself how I get to be so lucky! :) He asked me if I was a Tica (a girl from Costa Rica). I was so surprised, and thrown off that he even asked me that. I was also somewhat flattered, as if I was doing a decent job fooling people that I was from Costa Rica and knew what I was doing. Being the honest person I am I replied "No!" He continued to speak to me in spanish, and I gave him the confused, Phillip I have no idea what you're saying to me look. Then a little light bulb went off in his head and he asked "You from the United States?" I said "Si, Colorado! And he just raised his eyebrows. I'm not sure what that meant.
Anyways, the salsa bueno. To put it simply, it was bad, real bad. And by "it" I obviously mean I. I was bad, real bad.

After dance class I went back to Kate's house because we were going to watch her host dad play soccer at 9. We had dinner at her house, watched some tv, and then it was time to leave for the game. I got back to my house around 10:15, and went to go say hi to my host mom. She asked me how the soccer game was, and then I thought she asked me if I ate, so... I said, "Si!" After that I said "buenas noche (goodnight)," and then proceeded to do the side of the cheeck kissy thing. Luchi gave me the most confused look I have ever seen. It was probably very similar to the look I gave Phillip at dance class when he was speaking to me in Spanish. I started heading to my room, but then Luchi said "no, no" and walked into the kitchen. I followed her, confused out of my mind. She then put a plate in the microwave, poured me some juice, and insisted that I sit down. Oh gosh, it was at this point I realized what had happened! When she initially asked me if I had eaten and I said yes, she really asked me if I was hungry...and I said yes. Crap! I coudn't say no, she had it all waiting for me, and I would have felt terrible. So, I had my second dinner-chicken, rice, beans, potatoes, and salad at 10:20 PM. Luchi sat by my side at the table, and we watched the end of 27 dresses (with Spanish subtitles.) Luchi is so sweet, and such a servent. But for reals, I need to learn Spanish... stat!


  1. lis. seriously. laughed out loud more than once at this one! i can see the dance class, the sweaty man, the shimming, the confused faces, and the second dinner....and i love it all! probably because i'm here, in the U.S. where most everyone speaks my language. but man. you're life right now, is funny. thanks for making me laugh even when you're forever away from me!

  2. a few things: 1. dont make fun of the sweaty man, thats going to be me in a few years and its rude 2. i love papaya but that might have been from your other post 3. one time i played soccer against william, he dominated me 4. second dinners and spansih subtitles were some of my fav nights in cr.
